
​I'm Brenden, a product designer with over a decade of experience ​simplifying the complex. I've worked for big companies like Target, start-ups like Leadpages, and smaller agencies around Minneapolis. Outside of design, I love music production (even have a few releases), video games, film, art​, and birdwatching. 

​Let's connect and see if we'd be a good fit.

Cerebro Campaigns:
A UX Deep Dive into Target's Ad Revolution

Case Study

Buckle up for my six-year design odyssey at Target, where I led the UX charge for Cerebro Campaigns, an advertising command center that streamlined operations, delighted users, and boosted efficiency by 600%. This case study is your backstage pass to the chaos, collaboration, and triumphs of building an enterprise-level product from scratch. Get ready to geek out on UX, information architecture, and how we transformed complex ad campaigns into an experience as smooth as a Target run.

Hailscale: Protecting Homeowners from Hail Damage

Work Sample

Hailscale is a service that helps homeowners protect their property from hail damage. They use advanced weather data to track hailstorms, assess the risk to your roof, and provide personalized guidance on repairs and insurance claims.

I developed the branding and responsive web design for Hailscale, ensuring a clear and user-friendly online experience for homeowners seeking information and support after a hailstorm.

Nystrom & Associates: Empowering Mental Health

Case Study

Explore how I transformed the Nystrom & Associates website into a welcoming and accessible online hub for mental health resources. This case study delves into the challenges of outdated design, information overload, and accessibility barriers, and how we implemented user-centered solutions to improve navigation, streamline content, and enhance the overall user experience. Discover how this redesign not only elevated the brand's digital presence but also empowered individuals seeking mental health support.